HELLO 2016!

So the emotional filled cliche 'goodbye 2015' post that I promised arrived slightly late and will be a little underwhelming. This is because I'm gladly waving goodbye to a rollercoaster year and looking towards a year filled with new adventures. 2016 has so far involved a new home, a new aspect to my job and the continuation of my new outlook on life. Here's to being happy in 2016. 

To offer further explanation, 2016 began with the closing of a mammoth chapter. The 4 years that I have lived with my best friend (who you may recognise from the GIF below and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gx6sNYUJRQ) came to a very nostalgic end. Holly successfully landed herself her dream role of raising money for her late father's hospice (Katharine House Stafford) as her day job and however happy I was for her, I was sad to see her go.

Fortunately for me, I was lucky enough to then have the opportunity to begin building a home with another best friend and whilst at the same time feeling a little like Monica from friends ("I have to live with a boy!") my future looked bright and I felt overwhelmed with love.

At the same time, I've also been given an exciting (fangirling) opportunity to support TOPSHOP in their retail development by being a member of a team that meets at Head Office (in London!) every 6 weeks. HELLO REAL LIFE FASHION WORLD! (WARNING: there will be a copious amount of posts on this).

Now that you're unwillingly caught up with my life's movements in the past few months, back to what's important in my blogging world. My ambitions list (I've deleted completed ones - YAY - and added some new ones!).

  1. Purchase new clothes in the style I'm aiming for (not a clue what this is exactly). I've got the purchasing part nailed but there's still room for improvement around the styling.
  2. Look 'trendy' on my holiday. This originally related to my Moroccan Adventure in 2015, however I'm lucky enough to have a 2016 family holiday booked - so here's to round 2!
  3. Get my Maya Angelou/Dr Woo tattoo. CHECK! Photo evidence is below.
  4. Learn to cook at least two more meals in addition to my breaded chicken extravaganza. The list is now endless! It includes a healthy chicken pie (thanks to +TheBodyCoachTV), chilli con avocado, philli chicken, homemade sweet and sour chicken, chicken katsu curry, homemade hummus and peanut butter granola.
  5. Learn to bake at least two desserts, one being my Mum's infamous apple crumble. This is still a working progress, savoury food seems to be my preference. 
  6. Go to Rome. A working progress.
  7. Continue to go to the gym and achieve at least 1% of my Emily Skye's body. This has completely slipped off my radar, I now live in an apartment block with it's own gym so I have 0 excuses. I'm ashamed. 
  8. Visit two more of the eateries on my 'eateries to visit' list. Taking a refresh on this ambition, there's plenty more places to eat in Liverpool.
  9. Purchase good Christmas presents. Mission accomplished, my mum cried when she received her hamper, I'm taking this as success.
  10. Go on more scenic walks and enjoy my surroundings. I just need to work on the consistency of this.
  11. Attend more free cultural events in Liverpool. This also needs more work.
  12. Find new music that I can fan girl over (1D split hit me hard) and attend more gigs. My reincarnated love for old school Taylor Swift is still burning brightly, however the 'new music' aspect of this ambition needs work. Everyone should check out Fatherson though - I saw them on Valentines Day and they were fab.
  13. Wallpaper the blank wall in our flat. Well, I no longer live in this flat so this can be scrapped. 
  14. Attempt to celebrate my best friend and boyfriends birthdays just as much as they did mine (matching up to this will be a mean feat!). I tried my best for Christopher's birthday, given the circumstance of moving home, and me and Holly are going to see Little Mix on 7th April (there will be a blog post solely dedicated to this!). 
  15. Continue being happy.
Finally got my tattoo.

You can check out further photo evidence on my Instagram @laurenhawke.

Here's to being happy.


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