When I grow up I want to be a blogger.

I've spent the majority of my day off researching the ins and outs of the now definitive industry, blogging. I have to thank @AccessAllASOS for the #UniversityofASOS resources which helped in educating myself.

When you think of blogging a number of words spring to mind... Oversaturated, wannabe's, influencer, #hoefilter (particularly referencing snapchat) and rich kids. It isn't always the most positive perception. However, when a single person manages to build a brand and a business, solely based on themselves and their likes, dislikes, hobbies, style and opinions, I think it's inspirational and the key word we should take from this is INFLUENCER.

Via the #UniversityofASOS I've watched and learnt from the pros, gaining tips and tricks from the likes of Sarah Ashcroft (www.thatpommiegirl.com), Simon Hofmiester (ASOS' affiliate expert),
Reem Kanj (cocreater of fivefivefabulous) and the ASOS CEO himself, Nick Beighton.

"we want to launch our own independent titles" Kanj, R
"so much to look forward to in the blogging industry" Kanj, R
"build a brand that solve's a customer's problem, build a brand that is true to yourself" Beighton, N

To conclude... I want to do exactly this.

Through the power of mutual hobbies and likes, I hope to contribute in resolving young adults feeling lonely, secluded and as though they have no one to relate to. I hope to solve the problem of young people feeling like their goals and aspirations are unrealistic and unachievable. I want to be successful and as the legend herself said...

"Success is liking what you do and how you do it" Maya Angelou.

And, (before someone nominates me for Prime Minister!), I understand that I'm only one person and I'm preaching to change the world but imagine if every person made a small effort for the best? If I become an influencer to one person via my fashion, lifestyle and beauty blog, then the drinks are on me.

Also, I'm now on Bloglovin' and what a great app it is. I'm new and lacking followers so come join me.


Here's to being happy.



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