Entering the blogging universe...

Today, is a scary day. Not only am I leaving my position as a Marketing Officer at a Sports Endurance company but I am also entering unknown territory. Under full beam headlights I'm making the move into the captivating world of blogging.

Many of my friends, from my Topshop Manchester Arndale days, have inspired me to follow their footsteps. With successful blogs and fashion careers along with their Instagram images of the world and new trends, they have urged me to join the revolution. Well... I can at least give it a go!

One week ago, I turned 22 (yes, my ringtone is currently Taylor Swift and will remain that way for the foreseeable future) and in the past few months I've been going through what I can only describe as a graduate-in-their-twenties-life-crisis. When you leave university, life tells you the next step is to get a graduate job.

I did this... I only realised when I was up to my ears in running-related tasks, social media queries from agitated marathon training runners and was a member of a whatsapp group devoted to work related discussions that I had signed myself up to be a 24 hours events employee. It was also at this point that I realised, the first step of the career ladder was not for 22 year old me.

This is not to say that I realised what I wanted to be doing instead, far from it. 

I often look at some other people and think "they've got their shit together and I'm jealous" (I may be completely wrong, they could also be suffering from the graduate-in-their-twenties-life-crisis and visibly handling it better). 

But what I did realise is, I don't have my shit together and I'm OK with that. 

I'm 22 and I am the master of my own opportunities... Therefore I've taken control (sort of!). I've picked out what I enjoy and removed what I don't. Thus leading me to the next opportunity, my third venture back into the social hub and fashion marvel that is Topshop.

Steering away from what could be perceived as the ideal graduate job does not mean I've lost my ambition. It means the complete opposite. I made this decision because of my ambition. I am ambitious to fulfil things that make me happy, to go to the cinema more, to learn to cook, to maintain my new desire to go to the gym, to see more places, to have fun with family and friends, to enjoy my life, to work to live and to have good clothes whilst I'm doing it. 

And this is where the blogging comes in... I'm going to document my journey, my transition into the fashion industry and fulfilling my revelation into a new outlook on life. 

Amsterdam, Vondelpark, January 2015

Here's to being happy.



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