Moroccan Adventures

My love.
مرحبا (Hello in Arabic according to Google translate).

Having recently just got back from a 10-day relaxation in Agadir, I am feeling extremely refreshed and rejuvenated (plus 10x heavier due to eating my money's worth in all inclusive breakfasts, lunches, waffles, pancakes, dinners, desserts, sangrias, mojitos and multiple bottles of rose).

We experienced a huge culture shock and felt like we visited the sun, I read 5 books, it was the perfect holiday and the perfect end to summer 2015 with my best friend.

Referring to one of my earlier posts, I'm going to revisit a list of relatively realistic ambitions that I made. I will either be embracing the public shame of disappointment or be nicely surprised and gloating.
  1. Purchase a Samsung NX3000 + flash unit. CHECK!
  2. Purchase new clothes in the style I'm aiming for (not a clue what this is exactly). I've purchased plenty of new clothes with my Topshop uniform allowance and newly found knowledge of fashion sites but there's always room for improvement...
  3. Look 'trendy' on my holiday (not sure about this either). As people browsed my holiday photos many made the comment, "you have some lovely clothes". Granted, these people have been biased and polite family and friends so I'm not convinced this was fully achieved but I felt great, so that's all that counts right?! See photos below.
  4. Get my Maya Angelou/Dr Woo tattoo. A working progress.
  5. Learn to cook at least two more meals in addition to my breaded chicken extravaganza. I've learnt to cook Spicy Mince Meat Pasta Bake but it's definitely not up to my Mum's standards and therefore needs work.
  6. Learn to bake at least two desserts, one being my Mum's infamous apple crumble. A working progress.
  7. Go to Rome. A working progress.
  8. Continue to go to the gym and achieve at least 1% of my Emily Skye's body. I've continued to go to the gym... But, let's be honest, my Emily Skyes body isn't going to happen in a day, not even by 1%.
  9. Treat myself to two more things on my wish list. CHECK! Vans trainers and camera. 
  10. Visit two more of the eateries on my 'eateries to visit' list. CHECK! Yardbird and Ragga's. I recommend both! Especially the biscuit and gravy chicken from Yardbird. 
  11. Purchase good Christmas presents. I have my reasons for not completing this just yet...
  12. Go on more scenic walks and enjoy my surroundings. I can't lie, I definitely need to improve on this. We didn't move from our sun beds by the pool in Morocco. 
  13. Attend more free cultural events in Liverpool. This also needs more work...
  14. Find new music that I can fan girl over (1D split hit me hard) and attend more gigs. Eek. I was doing so well! However, I have reincarnated my love for old school Taylor Swift. 
  15. Wallpaper the blank wall in our flat. Yeah, this hasn't happened either...
  16. Attempt to celebrate my best friend and boyfriends birthdays just as much as they did mine (matching up to this will be a mean feat!). These haven't happened yet and I do have plans so you can let me off this one!
The Moroccan photos relating to ambition number 3 are below. Throwback to my orange 18th birthday dress. 


All in all, I didn't do too bad.  Here's a revised list, I'll try even harder this time round. Safe to say, I'm pleasantly content. 
  1. Learn to use my Samsung NX3000 and become a photography extraordinaire.
  2. Purchase more new clothes and figure out the style I'm aiming for.
  3. Get my Maya Angelou/Dr Woo tattoo.
  4. Perfect my Spicy Mince Meat Pasta Bake and learn how to cook an additional meal.
  5. Learn to bake at least two desserts, one being my Mum's infamous apple crumble.
  6. Go to Rome.
  7. Continue to go to the gym and achieve at least 2% of my Emily Skye's body. 
  8. Visit two more eateries on my 'eateries to visit' list.
  9. Purchase good Christmas presents.
  10. Go on more scenic walks and enjoy my surroundings.
  11. Attend more free cultural events in Liverpool.
  12. Find new music that I can fan girl over and attend more gigs.
  13. Wallpaper the blank wall in our flat.
  14. Attempt to celebrate my best friend and boyfriends birthdays just as much as they did mine (matching up to this will be a mean feat!).
Now bring on the winter jumpers and boots.

Here's to being happy. 



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