The end of 2015 in a blog.

To end this year, I'm going to conclude on a strange note as this time of year is a funny one. Most feel warm inside, and enjoy the company of those around them and others unfortunately feel lonely and isolated. For me, I have a mix of these emotions and that's ok.

The majority of my negativity is related to the crazy ass shoppers who think it's acceptable to throw clothes at me like I'm a coat stand that could give them ebola (basically, retail during Christmas is hell). But it's these crazy ass shoppers who accentuate the home sickness I feel as I miss out on putting the tree up with my parents, helping my Dad wrap my Mum's presents, visiting my grandparents regularly and eating my way through all the Christmas treats before it even reaches Christmas Eve.

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Winter Wonders

I haven't blogged in a while, I don't really have an explanation as to why. Maybe I haven't had much to say, but just like the X43 bus from Rawtenstall to Manchester, all my blogging inspo has come at once and there's a lot going on in Lauren's world.

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