Actions, big or small.

It's always the days that you worry about the least where you succeed the most. Or at least that's how it goes for me.

On the days that I wake up and let all my anxieties float away on a leaf, those anxieties stay away.
On the days that I abandon all self pressures and expectations of myself, I pleasantly surprise myself and exceed. And on the days that I spend less time analysing my wardrobe, I leave my flat feeling comfortable and good, and the words "I don't have anything to wear" fail to pass my lips (well, for 24 hours at least!).

However, for some people, these days come around less often and bigger things are sacrificed. Sometimes it's harder to challenge the anxieties and to abandon the self pressures for opportunities and positivity.

As a person who understands health problems such as anxiety, and the casual term, lack of self-confidence, particularly well, I realise each of us have our own medicine. For me, it will come as no surprise that it's the stereotypical substance - "retail therapy". This doesn't necessarily mean purchasing new products, it can mean reinventing clothes I've tossed in the out of date pile, searching the Tophop sale for a bargain and finding those steal buys in Primark and on Depop. Clothes are an expression of our freedom. Sometimes with this territory we choose not to express ourselves, referring back to; " I have nothing to wear". And on these anxiety filled days, the first thing to suffer the consequences (after my boyfriend!) is my wardrobe.

So, all of this waffling takes me to the outfit below. A £2.75 jumper that I found in the TOPSHOP sale + my Christmas navy blue pleated trousers + my new fave adidas superstar trainers whilst reinventing a toddler-esque haircut = the definition of a throw on outfit on a no worries kind of day. The result... The feel good factor plus recognition from Topshop's Visual Girl as her fashion role model for the week. 

Not all people's anxious feelings will be as easy to dissolve with a great outfit or an online award from Topshop's version of Gossip Girl. However, they're feelings will be as easy to escalate with an offhand comment or a careless action, no matter how small or unimportant to the implicator. All I ask is for people to think before they speak, and to contemplate before they act. It takes no further effort to do those things but you could avoid destroying someone's invaluable confidence for the day, week, month or until their next 'good day'. 

Here's to being happy. 



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