Food, glorious food!

Well, it's just been one of those months. I've turned 23, my Grandma has turned 77, my Dad has turned 51, my Mum turns 50 next week and there's been a hell of a lot of great food devoured along the way. 

With a number of things I could focus on for this blog post I've chosen to take one thing at a time and talk about the second most important thing to clothes... food, glorious food.

First of, Nolita Cantina, Bold Street, Liverpool (pictured above) - what an absolute treat. I'm a big fan of quirky independent places like this and, great news for me is Liverpool is absolutely full of them! Nolita sets the bar high for burgers and fries sprinkled with heavenly tasting spices as well as mouth watering Reese's peanut butter brownies... Whilst you're scooping up your dribble here's another food for thought, it's also great value for your pennies!

Secondly, but not runner up, The Cosy Club in Manchester Triangle Shopping Centre (opposite the Arndale Centre!) offers the sweetest and meringuiest Eton Mess there ever was. This angelic dessert tastes sublime on a palette that has been cleansed by a chicken club sandwich, chips and a Cosy 75 cocktail! What more could you ask for from birthday celebrations?!

Here comes the rockstar finale, Punk Afternoon Tea at the Baltic Social, Liverpool. The below picture paints more words than I could muster up, but heres a couple for you... Bubblegum Cake. Not only did I get to gobble up this masterpiece but I got to enjoy it with my best pals, what better way to turn 23. 

Food has definitely top trumped clothes this month. 

Here's to being happy. 



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